Kindle Edition, 307 pages Expected publication: June 5th, 2018 by Raucous Publishing
Have you got tea and cake organised?
I think you will need it. Better still get yourself a piece of angel cake. It’s a cake featured a lot in my new book.
I have a new romantic comedy coming out. About time too, I hear you say. What took you so long?
Well, I’ve been writing psychological thrillers instead. I’ve written three now. In case you haven’t heard of them, they are titled ‘REMEMBER ME’ ‘SECRETS AND LIES’ and ‘WATCHING YOU’

Writing those took a fair bit of time but then the spring came and the sunshine and lots of you were asking when is a romance coming so I thought what a better time than summer to bring out a new one. So here it is …
I absolutely loved writing this novel. I adore the main characters Archie and Rosie and I hope you do too.
Meet Archie
Archie wants for nothing. He has a lovely five bedroomed house in the best part of Essex and he loves angel cake. Life isn’t the same, however, not now his precious Cath has died and all his daughter-in-law seems to want is his house. Well, Archie isn’t giving that up for no one. And then one Friday Holly has a night out …
Meet Rosie
Rosie dreams of leaving the Tradmore Estate. She dreams of going to Paris. She also dreams of studying. But for Rosie, that’s all they are, dreams. Then one Friday night everything changes when Holly has a night out …
Against all the odds Archie meets Rosie.
A romantic and poignant story of how love can strike you at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected places.
Available now to pre-order and released on the 9th June.
Currently 99p/99c for a limited time.
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Lynda X
I love the cover!