Today we are sharing the cover reveal for SLOE SCREW by Nazarea Andrews. Sloe Screw is an adult contemporary romance, standalone novel, and it is the third book in the River Street Bar series. Check out the blurb and some teasers for the book below. The book releases on July 12th!
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SLOE SCREW by Nazarea Andrews
A Standalone Contemporary Romance
(River Street Bar series, #3)
Vivian Fitzpatrick is a big dreams girl stuck in a small town.
She likes her job, and she adores her friends, but there’s a tiny part of her that still wants adventure. Wants all the unfulfilled dreams to come true. She still wants to base jump and skydive and do everything her ex-boyfriend said she was too chicken-shit to do.
Which is probably how she ends up moonlighting for a phone sex line.
Matteo Soto is just trying to figure out how to live again.
A bomb in Iraq left half his unit dead, and Matteo broken. He puts on a good act--the rookie at RCPD, taking care of his dead best friend’s family. But it feels too much like going through the motions, too much like marking time.
He needs a reason to get up in the morning.
She needs to feel alive.
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I’ve gotten, over the months, very good at keeping everything in their box.
Work is work and friends are friends and fucking strangers in the bar is mostly harmless and my red phone stays home, during the first two and occasionally, when my nerves are tight or my temper is high—I’ll take the phone in public.
No one, not even Emilie or Taite know about my little part-time gig, and while I don’t think they’d care, exactly, I also didn’t want to tell them.
It was mine, a secret, and not necessarily something I was proud of—I wasn’t ashamed either, but I wanted it to be mine.
So when I step into the RCPD headquarters, I’m not RedQueen. I’m just Vivian Fitzpatrick, the perfectly put together coolly detached girl that River City expects.
“Viv,” the Chief shouts and I huff, but detour into his office, giving him the coy smile that still makes him flush.
I’ve been giving him the same smile since I was in high school and fooling around with his daughter, and he still flushes. It’s adorable, really.
“Miguel is working with our new officer, so I’m pulling Gomez off the front desk to ride with Taite.”
I smirk. “What did Gomez do to piss you off?”
He laughs.
“So you’re taking Chris?” I ask and he nods, giving me apologetic eyes.
“Sorry. Lisa will be in there with you.”
“No worries, Chief. Thanks for the heads up,” I say, grinning and he nods as I duck back out.
I get myself settled in, slipping my headset on and Emilie ducks into a grin at me.
“Have you met him yet?”
“The new guy?” I ask and she nods. “Not yet. You know people don’t like visiting my little hole in the wall.”
True enough. Taite and Emilie only come back here because they’re unreasonably attached to me.
“He’s yummy,” Emilie smirks, all dirty promise.
I arch an eyebrow. “Might I remind you that both Miguel and Cal would be unhappy to see your eye wandering.”
She flushes and I smile, pleased with myself.
“I’m looking for you, idiot,” she snaps, halfhearted.
“I don’t fuck where I work, darling. You and Taite have a lock on that particular market.”
She rolls her eyes and I shoo her away as my radio crackles to life.


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