My Thoughts…
The start of a new series of standalone books is exciting. Holiday Springs Resort starts with It’s Always Been You by A.M. Williams. A jilted bride decides to go on her honeymoon with her best friend, who happens to be a guy. I could guess what direction the story would take and was excited to see how Delaney would find her new happiness and if Zeke could be the right guy for her.
I could not put the book down. I was invested in Zeke and Delaney learning that they would be perfect together. A.M Williams did a great job of telling their story and keeping it fun, light, and beautiful. She did not make it easy for them to get together, she made it real. They had fears of losing their friendship, fear that the other may not feel the same as they did, but above all they had love and respect.
I am so excited for more books being set at the gorgeous
Holiday Springs Resort.
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Copyright @ A.M. Williams 2020
We both moaned when my center came in contact with his erection. Even through two layers of clothing, it was a heady feeling. I undulated my hips on top of him as we continued to make out, slowing working us both into a frenzy. Zeke ripped his mouth away from mine. “We need to go inside.” I nodded even though I wasn’t sure what he was saying. I was too focused on pulling his lips back to mine. “Delaney,” he said between kisses. “Let’s go in.” He gently pushed me away and stood. I pouted as I stood too. He quickly got out and wrapped his towel around his hips before helping me out and hangin me my towel. I quickly dried off and walked inside, the head of the cabin beckoning to me. Once inside, I didn’t waste any time dropping my towel and stripping out of my bathing suit, leaving me naked. I turned to face Zeke and watched as he drew the curtains. I got a great view of his face when he turned around and realized I was already naked. “Hot damn,” he muttered and tossed his own towel to the side. His finger immediately starting working the laces of his bathing suit while his gaze raked over my body. I used the opportunity to look at him as well. My heart ssped up at the thought of everything coming together right now. I’d wanted this for so long and now that it was happening, it was surreal, and I wanted to remember every part of it. Every kiss. Every caress. Every whispered word. I wanted them all. Zeke’s bathing suit dropped, and my gaze immediately zeroed in on his dick, which was pointing toward the ceiling. I whimpered as I looked at it. Moisture was beading on the tip, and it looked like the perfect dick. Especially since it was attached to the perfect man. A few minutes later, we were parked outside the cabin, and Zeke had our bags in hand while I swiped the keycard for the room. It took several tries to get the lock to open, something that annoyed me to no end. After discovering everything with the reservation, the door not working was just one more thing to add to the list of why I was upset with my life. Once the door was open, I stepped to the side and allowed Zeke to go in first before flicking the light switch by the door and letting the door fall shut behind me. I turned toward the main part of the cabin and drew up short when I noticed Zeke standing frozen with the bags still in his hands. “What’s wrong?” I asked, walking closer. “Uhh…” Zeke said, shifting his weight from side to side. “Is there supposed to be only one bed?” I cringed. I didn’t tell him what happened with the reservation while we were in the car. He deserved to know that I hadn’t changed it like I told him I would. “Well…I didn’t realize until I went to check in that I forgot to call them to let them know that the reservation needed to be changed. I couldn’t change it today because it was too late.” Silence greeted my words, and I worried my bottom lip and dropped my gaze to the floor. “I’m really sorry,” she said when Zeke continued to say nothing. “I thought I’d called, and I didn’t. I can’t believe that I forgot to do that simple thing. Don’t even get me started on the excursions we have booked because—” I jumped when Zeke pressed a finger to my chin and tilted my head up. He was grinning. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to sleep in the same bed as the Delaney Carrigan.” My face heated. “Oh, uh…” “Come on!” Zeke said, pulling me into a hug. “It’ll be fine. Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.” He released me and turned back to pick the bags up and stepped further into the room. With him out of the way, I could see what gave him pause. It wasn’t just the single king-size bed in the room. It was the rose petals that were littered all over the bedcovers and on the floor. They were everywhere. As I stepped closer to the bed, I cringed as I realized they were even in the shape of a heart with a small card in the center. Though I knew I shouldn’t, I picked it up. It read “Congratulations on your marriage!” I stared at it for several long moments, my mind flashing back to when Josh told me he couldn’t marry me. “Whatcha got in your hand?” Zeke asked. Before I could crumple the card, Zeke plucked it from my fingers. I watched as his expression darkened. “Fuck him.” He ripped the card in half, then ripped it again before tossing the pieces in the air. I watched them flutter toward the floor. “You’re better off without that douche-canoe. Seriously. What guy breaks up with the supposed love of his life only days before their wedding? Asswads, that’s who. Don’t waste another minute worried about him.” I nodded. What could I say to that? It wasn’t anything I didn’t already know and that Zeke and my family hadn’t already said. Josh was an asshole of the first order for what he did to me. It didn’t make it hurt any less, though. “Right, let’s get unpacked and look over what we’ve got going on this week. Maybe we can add some things to do instead of what we’ve got on there. What do you say?” I nodded and felt myself relax. “Sounds good.” Zeke turned and grabbed his bag, unzipping it while I stood there, frozen. While he’d made me feel better about the rose petals and the asshole ex-fiancé, we hadn’t addressed the elephant in the room: the single bed. Yeah, Zeke joked that he’d always wanted to sleep in the same bed as me, but I knew he said that to make me feel better. How were we going to make this work?
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About A.M. Williams A.M. Williams is just a simple girl from the south that found herself living abroad. When she’s not annoying her cat or reading, she’s spending time with her husband and traveling as much as possible. She has a serious case of wanderlust and wants to go as many places as possible while she can. She loves Cheerwine, sweet tea, and North Carolina (eastern style) BBQ as well as those crystal clear waters on the North Carolina coast.Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub | Twitter | Instagram | Reader Group
About the Holiday Springs Resort Series

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