
Monday, June 19, 2017

Escape Velocity by Susan Wolfe

Paperback, First, 432 pages
Published October 4th 2016 by Steelkilt Press
When does the Con become the Artist?

Georgia Griffin has just arrived in Silicon Valley from Piney, Arkansas on very bald tires, having firmly rejected her beloved father’s life as a con artist. Her father is in jail and a certain minister is hugging her mother for Jesus while eyeing Georgia’s little sister, Katie-Ann. Georgia desperately needs to keep her new job as paralegal for Lumina Software so she can provide a California haven for her sister before it’s too late.

While she’s still living in her car, Georgia realizes that incompetence and self-dealing have a death grip on her new company. She decides to adapt her extensive con artist training—just once—to clean up the company. But success is seductive. Soon Georgia is an avid paralegal by day and a masterful con artist by night, using increasingly bold gambits designed to salvage Lumina Software. Then she steps into the shadow of a real crime and must decide: Will she risk her job, the roof over her sister’s head, and perhaps her very soul?

My Thoughts…

Georgia Griffins is wonderful!    She has a conman as a father, has been raised learning how to run the cons, and isn’t afraid to push the limits to get what she wants.   When I think of a con I think something entirely illegal.  Georgia’s cons are more of telling the right people information that may or may not be entirely true about other people.    She is good, she does her homework, and knows how to tell the “secrets” without them coming back to her.   Unfortunately there are times people die, get fired, or lose respect due to her telling her stories but it is always for the good of the company, right?

There is no doubt that Susan Wolfe has a great knowledge of the business and legal world.    The book was written  with some terminology that I was not sure of yet with every unknown term it was explained in every day terms that were easy to understand.    The knowledge she has also shows in how the book flowed easily.     I found Escape Velocity an easy book to read  and read it quickly enjoying every word. 

I would describe Escape Velocity as a legal thriller with a twist.  I definitely recommend picking up your own copy ASAP. 

Thank you Ann-Marie Nieves at Get Red PR for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.  

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