
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Beyond Falling Stars by Sherry Soule with a Guest Post

ISBN: 9781535579209 / ASIN: B0718VKFGB
Paperback page count: 335
Genre: Romantic Comedy with a Sci-Fi concept
Series: Starlight Saga / Book #3
Release date:  April 24, 2017
Publisher: Disenchanted Publishing
Book Blurb:
Being hunted by alien mutants totally sucks. And the threat of imprisonment in a secret underground lab? Even suckier.
Now that Sloane Masterson’s blackmailer has been revealed, and she knows the truth about why Hayden’s been so secretive, she’s ready to put all that epic craziness behind her.
Besides, Sloane has bigger problems to deal with, like protecting her family from Sector Thirteen and getting Hayden’s snobby parents to accept her as one of them. . .which is proving more difficult than giving up chocolate.
And what better way to win over the ’rents and evade ST than an intergalactic vacay with her smoking’ hot boyfriend?
Sloane and her bestie, Viola Saks, are invited to join the Lancaster brothers for a twisted family reunion on their home planet, an oasis of wicked cool beaches, warm dual suns, and clear blue seas.
But danger lurks in paradise. . .
Even in this beautiful utopia, Sloane and Hayden’s relationship is never far from higher levels of suckage. They might be vacationing in a galaxy far, far away, but someone still wants her dead.

My Thoughts…

Book Three of a series that I love… I am in heaven!     The Starlight Saga does have to be read in order but they are all amazing books so I recommend picking up book one (see my thoughts here) and continuing to book two (my thoughts here) and fly right into book three.  

The characters are mostly teenagers.    Sherry Soule does an amazing job writing them as teenagers.   They have teenage relationships, teenage reactions, and teenage maturity.     I liked that these were real teenagers, which Sherry stayed true to that throughout the entire series.    I realize that their problems were not always typical teenage problems but their problems were of the world they were living in.   Most teenagers do not have people trying to kidnap them to make them test subjects but Sloane manages to keep herself and her friend alive. 

Sloane… I just don’t know what to say about Sloane.   Never ever in my life have I met someone who was so jinxed in life.   NOTHING, absolutely nothing, went right in her world.    With every step she took I was afraid that she would hurt herself, get herself kidnapped, or end up dead.    Thankfully she managed to keep herself alive with the help of her friends. 

This is the end to a wonderful series.   I feel like I am saying goodbye to old friends but I know that I will never forget them.   

Thank you Sherry Soule for a copy of the book for an honest review.   

Series blog for book cover:

“Why I Love the Young Adult Genre” - #StarlightSaga
Guest Post by Indie Author, Sherry Soule
Today bestselling author Sherry Soule has some exciting news to share with us. She has recently published the next book in her popular Starlight Saga series, a humorous paranormal romance. Sherry is doing this fun guest post to share the book love with fellow readers.
Be warned, these books have scorching-hot romance!

Hi everybody, I’m author, Sherry Soule—waving from the SF Bay Area. Thanks for letting me visit today, it’s an honor to be a guest here and meet fellow booklovers.
YA (young adult) Lit is a general term used for books aimed at the teen market. Nowadays, these books can be read by anyone at any age.
Ever since I was a child, I have recognized that books are a way to travel to other places and have incredible adventures. Even though I am older than the average teen reader, I’ve always loved reading Young Adult books and strongly believe you’re NEVER too old to read them. A great book is simply a great book regardless of its intended audience. I read both adult and young adult novels, and equally love both.
One reason that I enjoy reading YA Lit is because most novels in this genre are fast-paced and thrilling, and will captivate teen and adult readers alike. The storylines are just as complex and imaginative as adult fiction, in my opinion. And teenage characters tend to have a much more hopeful perspective than adult literature, which draws me in—plus the fact that I’m really a big kid at heart. I also adore that there are so many books created into a series nowadays, so that you can continue to have additional adventures with your favorite characters.
Could my love of YA Lit be simply because I’m just a teenager-at-heart?
Maybe. Actually, I am an adult with teenage children, and I love writing young adult fiction as much as I love reading it. Writing upper YA is fun and exhilarating, and I get to relive my youth in new and exciting ways. My stories will appeal to both adults and teens, and even college-aged kids. And like many of you, because I am a writer of YA literature, I’ve read hundreds of YA books and I can actually say that I enjoyed almost all of them.
Although I buy many of my books through Amazon, I am never embarrassed to buy YA novels in bookstores, or carry them around with me. I love the genre and always have and always will. To me, reading YA novels has to do with simple escapism, instant gratification, and mostly nostalgia. I say, “Live and let read!” If adults are reading YA books, it speaks to the quality of the genre, not the diminishing tastes of adults. “Reading is food for your brain.” I read many different genres in both young adult and adult novels, and I am no book snob.
We all have diverse tastes in literature. Most of you will have various genres that you love to read, and probably some of my favorite books are simply your forgotten reads. That is what makes reading as a whole, so fascinating. Each one of us will enjoy different types of characters, genres, plots, and, of course, a writer’s voice, the way only they can tell a story.
And I don’t know about you, but I need some romance in almost every book I read. And if you’re a hopeless romantic at heart, then you’ll enjoy reading any of my books.
At its core, this YA series, Starlight Saga, is basically a story about two outcast teens finding each other and how their “forbidden” love changes both of their lives. Sure, there is an element of danger regarding this star-crossed romance, but they are both young and impulsive with their hearts. Who isn’t at that age?
I think the heroine of this fun series, Sloane, is rather unique. To me, she’s not your average “Mary Sue” or flawless YA heroine. She has some self-esteem issues, but she’s also headstrong and gutsy, with an eccentric fashion sense. 
Thank you for letting me chat about my love of young adult literature today. I hope you enjoyed this post. Now go feed your mind and read a book! Preferably one of mine. :-D

About Sherry Soule
Sherry Soule is a bestselling author, who lives with her family and two black rescue cats in Northern California. She’s always wanted to live in a world where sweatpants are sexy, cupcakes don’t make you fat, and she could adopt every homeless animal.
She writes young adult, new adult, and adult in urban fantasy, romantic comedy, and paranormal romance genres set in fictional places within the SF Bay Area that feature independent females and sexy alpha males. Many of her books have spent time on the Kindle bestseller lists and have been nominated as top picks in the “Best Paranormal Romance” categories.
When she’s not writing thrilling tales of romance and suspense, often mingled with a splash of trendy fashion, you can find her binge watching Netflix, reading (often crushing on fictional characters), or hanging with her zany family.
As a fan of all kinds of movies, Sherry’s been addicted to horror films because of the thrills and chills since childhood. It might be the adrenaline rush, or that feeling of being kept on the edge of her seat (so to speak) in anticipation of what happens next as one of her favorite kinds of escapism.
Places you can cyberstalk Sherry Soule:
Official Author Blog:
Twitter - @SherrySoule:


  1. I’m so glad that you enjoyed the book, and I appreciate the time and effort you put into reviewing my work.

    I will be sure to keep you and your blog in mind for my next publication. :-)

    Happy Reading,

    Please visit my Amazon Author Profile

    1. I am sad this series is over but so excited to see what you will have for me next.
