
Monday, March 20, 2017

New Attitude by Kathryn R. Biel

Expected publication: March 14th 2017 by Kathryn R. Biel
As if it's not bad enough that I didn't win the reality design TV show I was on, try coming home to a one word note indicating that my ten-year marriage is over. So here I am, a suddenly single mother in my mid-thirties, doing what everyone advises me to do—have a fling. Except it doesn't go as planned, so I do the next best thing, which is sit on the couch and mope. But having to provide for a five-year-old doesn't let me stay home for too long. Before I know it, I'm back to dying my hair wild colors and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.

Except Tony, the fling that wasn't, keeps popping up in the most unlikely places and won't leave me alone. I'd like to be strong—I'm way too old for him—but he's cute and funny and sexy and oh, my ex is getting married to a girl named Bambi. All I know is the way I'm doing things isn't working. If I want to be happy again, I'm going to need to get a new attitude.

My Thoughts…
Have you met Kathryn Biel?   If not you are truly missing out.   If you have read her books before New Attitude is a MUST READ! 

This is the second book in the series and really should be read in order.     New Attitude takes off where Made for Me left off.     Michele was not the winner of the  TV design show Made for Me.   She comes home and finds that her husband has left her, moved the furniture out of the house, and become engaged to Bambi.   Her world comes crashing down around her.   

It was interesting and fun to watch Michele dig herself out of her divorcee, poor me funk and become a woman and mother again.      Seeing her wear sweats every day and just do enough to get by was painful for me.   I wanted to shake her and yell at her.   Tell her to get off her butt and show her lousy ex that he made a mistake in leaving her.  Yet, I could relate.    I, luckily, am happily married but if something happens to change that I could see myself falling into a poor me state and struggling to move on with my life.       Her mother was amazing in showing her support, helping with her daughter, and pushing her to start living again.   

There is a new relationship for Michele with Tony.   I found myself laughing at how unsure and scared she was of putting herself out there.   Everything from her body image, her sex-drive, and her dating skills were put on display.      Kathryn Biel did a great job of portraying how a mother could react and feel when putting herself out there with a new younger man.   

I would recommend reading this after reading Made for Me.    They are both wonderful, fast, and fun stories. 

Book Link
Goodreads  |  Amazon   

 Check out Made for Me HERE

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